Thursday, March 26, 2009


Glutamine (referring to L-glutamine) is an extremely important sports supplement. It’s an amino acid, that plays crucial roles in the body. It can be found in small quantities in beans, meats, and dairy products. Of course, high quality glutamine can also be found in sports supplement powders. Glutamine supplementation becomes essential in states of illness or injury.

Glutamine is in such high demand by our bodies, that it's no wonder how popular it is as a sports supplement. Glutamine plays a major role in protein synthesis, aids in recovery and immune support, and is the primary fuel source for the cells in the small intestine.
The importance of L-glutamine goes beyond sports supplements though. It's even used in hospitals to help burn victims with their recovery. Impressive!

L-glutamine is essential to nearly every person who would like to enhance their performance and/or muscle growth and recovery. Knowing that glutamine plays a major role in protein synthesis and immune function, it's Important to note that a heavy workout can reduce glutamine levels in the body by up to 50%. Reduced levels of glutamine can cause catabolism, the process where your body will start to break down muscle for glutamine and other aminos. That said, for those that exercise regularly, supplementation is a must for keeping immune function and protein synthesis high.

Glutamine Summary:
-High demand in the body
-Aids in recovery
-Used as fuel source for immune system
-60% free form amino acids in muscle consists of L-glutamine
-Major role in protein synthesis
-Excess helps reduce muscle breakdown
-Heavy workout can reduce levels in body by up to 50%
-Used in hospitals to help burn victims with recovery
-Primary source of fuel for the cells lining inside small intestine
-Helps block cortisol induced protein catabolism

-A study suggests a useful increase in growth hormone when as little as 2g free form L-glutamine consumed
-Helps regulate pH balance in the kidneys
-Enhances brain function
-Assists in nitrogen transport
-Reduces toxic build up of ammonia in the brain
-Can act as anti-inflammatory

Almost anyone. Glutamine appears to have so many benefits, that it's hard to narrow it down to a select group that could benefit from it. Those that can benefit from glutamine the most would be anyone that trains, and would like to keep their muscles and immune system building and working as efficiently as possible.

-Take 3-5g L-glutamine per dose (mix with protein shake or other healthy fluid)
-1-2 doses per day (2 on training days)
-After workout and before bed

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Best Sports Recovery Drink

Endurox R4 is the best recovery drink mix that I have been able to find.
It contains a great ratio of carbs to protein and with only 1 gram of fat in the mix, there's not enough to slow digestion. The ingredients are all very quick absorbing forms of carbs and protein, which is perfect for a post exercise drink.
There are several "recovery drinks" out there that include a high fat content, which will drastically slow digestion and ruin the whole purpose of a recovery drink.
The two most important aspects of a recovery drink are the carb sources and protein source... I'll start with a review of the carbs.

Endurox R4 contains a few key sources of carbs, which absorb quickly to create the necessary insulin spike. Those sources are maltodextrin, sucrose and a small amount of dextrose. The dextrose will absorb quicker than the rest, as it doesn't require any digestion. The maltodextrin is next and sucrose last to hit the blood stream.
As a side note, there are studies that show absorption of carbs is optimized if supplied in different forms.

Ok, next is the protein content. Whey protein concentrate is the form chosen for R4. Ideally, they would have used whey isolate for its extremely quick absorption rates. However, concentrate is not too far off. It still absorbs into the body very quickly, and is easy on digestion.

Endurox R4 contains a great blend of rapidly digesting carbs (53g/serving), protein (13g/serving) and several electrolytes/minerals. Containing vitamin C, Endurox also provides antioxidants to aid in recovery.
While I prefer a slightly higher amount of protein in a recovery drink, studies do show their ratio to be ideal. Either way, Endurox R4 has the best mix of ingredients that I've found, compared to all other recovery drinks.

Recovery of course! Strenuous exercise puts small tears in your muscles, uses up valuable glycogen stores and breaks down muscle for protein. R4 utilizes a proper mix of important ingredients to quickly replace glycogen stores, vital amino acids and electrolytes. A good recovery drink like R4 also significantly increases protein and glycogen synthesis, therefore speeding up recovery and maximizing your muscle gains.

Recovery drinks are not just for bodybuilders! Anyone that performs at least 45 minutes of exercise can greatly benefit from a recovery drink. Without the proper form of nutrition right after a workout, your body will not get what it needs at the right time to maximize it's ability to heal and adapt.

The best time to consume a recovery drink, is immediately after a workout. At the latest, it should be consumed within 20 minutes for optimum results. There is a small window of opportunity following a workout, where your body is primed to readily absorb nutrients for repair. It's really a one hour window, but the benefits your body receives rapidly decline, the further into that hour you get.
As far as how to take it... Mix one serving of powder with 16 ounces of water.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Creatine is an organic acid that's produced naturally by our kidneys, liver and pancreas. It helps supply our muscles and nerve cells with energy.
About 95% of creatine is found inside muscles, while the other 5% is found in the brain, heart and testes. Creatine is 100% natural, and can be found in foods like fish, beef and other minor sources.

Creatine is an excellent supplement for enhancing muscle size and increasing resistance to anaerobic fatigue.

Muscle Size:
Creatine starts by volumizing (super-hydrating) your muscle cells, which in turn makes them look larger. This volumizing effect is produced by creatine entering your muscle cells, and retaining extra water along with it. Because the extra water is retained inside the cells, you will actually look more muscular, not just puffy.
Another major benefit to your cells being super-hydrated, is that It promotes protein synthesis, glycogen synthesis and deters muscle breakdown.

If you don't already have a good amount of creatine stored in your muscles, you have the potential to put on easily 3-5 pounds in a one week loading phase. After that, simple maintenance will keep the weight on. The added weight will quickly convert to actual lean muscle, due to the increase in protein synthesis.

Increased Energy:
Creatine has the amazing ability to regenerate our bodies method of energy production, with extreme efficiency. It achieves this feat by donating a phosphate molecule to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), thereby restoring it to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the key to energy production inside the body.
The normal process of regeneration takes much longer than this, making creatine ideal for anyone that will be performing intense anaerobic activities.

- Studies have shown creatine ingestion increased growth hormone levels by statistically significant amounts for 2-6 hours following consumption
- Acts as lactic acid buffer, delaying muscle fatigue

Basically, anyone with a desire for more energy, strength and an increase in lean muscle mass should take creatine. Not to sound like an advertisement... I say that because it's true!

There are many people that could benefit from creatine. Anyone that's into physical fitness, and performs anaerobic activities, would benefit greatly. Also, if you would like to quickly put on a few extra pounds, creatine is for you.
There is one particular group of people that could possibly benefit from creatine the most... Vegetarians. While our bodies produce small amounts of creatine on their own, a good quantity of creatine comes from the ingestion of meats.
That also means that vegetarians are likely to see much better initial results than those that do eat meat, because they have more room for extra creatine storage.

In my opinion, the best way to take creatine is the loading method, followed by a maintenance phase. the loading method is very simple, straight forward and you will notice the benefits much faster than if you start off on a maintenance phase.

The Loading Method:
Consume a total of 20 grams of creatine each day for 5-7 days. Split the 20 grams into four doses (5 grams each) throughout the day. Mix the creatine with water, tea, or a whey protein shake. Avoid mixing with acidic juices.
I like to take it with my morning protein shake, before and after workout, and then before I go to sleep at night.
NOTE: For best results, it is important that you drink more water than you normally would, while in the loading phase. if you do not, you could become dehydrated from the creatine pulling all the water from other parts of your body into your muscles. I recommend drinking at least 72 ounces of water each day, while on the loading phase.

After the loading phase, continue on a six week or more maintenance phase.
The maintenance phase is also very simple. Consume a total of 5 grams every day, split into 2 doses. I prefer to dose post workout, and before I go to sleep each night. If you like, feel free to take 3 doses of 2 grams each. You may achieve better results for yourself that way.

While there is no research to support it, one recommendation is to start a new loading phase after a six week maintenance phase. The reason behind this cycle, is because once you have gained a decent amount of muscle mass, there is more room in your muscles for the extra creatine. By repeating the loading phase, you will once again super-hydrate your muscles and give yourself another boost in mass.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Whey Protein

While I understand that many of us know the extreme value of whey protein already, some do not. Besides, what kind of supplement review would this be without whey included??


Whey protein is a collection of proteins extracted from the by-product of cheese created from cow’s milk, called whey. It has the highest biological value (BV) of any protein. Having a high BV means that it's absorbed and utilized by our body faster and more efficiently than any other protein. Whey is also an incredible source of amino acids, containing a whopping 18 different amino acids, including all of the essential aminos.

One thing to note, not all whey supplements are created equal. There are three different forms of whey protein:

-Whey Concentrate: Contains a low percentage of protein by weight (29-89%). The rest is mostly carbohydrates from lactose and low levels of fat and cholesterol.

-Whey Isolate: Isolates are processed to remove the fats and lactose.
Containing 90%+ protein by weight, whey isolate is a great option for supplementation.

-Whey Hydrolysate: Partially hydrolyzed (chemically pre-digested) whey is generally more expensive, but is easier for your body to absorb than the other forms of whey. One sacrifice, other than cost, is taste. Hydrolyzed whey usually has a less desirable taste than whey concentrate or whey isolate does.


There are many benefits of using whey supplements; too many to go into depth here, so a summary will have to do.

Physical Performance:
-An ideal combination of amino acids that help improve body composition and athletic performance.
-Great source of leucine, an essential amino acid. Leucine is key in promoting muscle protein synthesis.
-Increases levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that is required for a healthy immune system.
-High levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). combined with carbohydrates following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. This is extremely important in protein synthesis.
-Easy to digest and gentle on the digestive system.
-BCAA's and other aminos promote better wound healing through protein synthesis.

Weight Management:
-Protein requires more energy to digest, resulting in more calories being burnt after a high protein meal.
-Whey isolate is nearly pure, with little to no fats or carbohydrates. A great compliment to low glycemic index diets.
-Leucine preserves lean mass while promoting fat loss.
-Protein helps stabilize blood glucose levels, reducing hunger.


Whey protein contains high levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). BCAA’s make up about one third of skeletal muscle in humans, and play a very important role in protein synthesis. It has been shown that BCAA supplementation, along with carbohydrate consumption following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. That means more macro-nutrients being pushed into your muscle cells, resulting in better recovery and hypertrophy.


While whey is an amazing protein source, it is not always the most ideal form of protein. The times when whey will provide your body with the most benefit are whenever you need a quick absorbing form of protein (i.e. When you first wake up in the morning, or right after a workout.). One time that you definitely do not want whey over another form of protein, is before bed. Just before going to sleep, you need a form of protein that will last throughout the night. Whey would be processed by your body in less than an hour, thereby starving your body for the rest of the night. Prior to sleep, your best bet is either casein (a slow digesting protein), or a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins. Just prior to a meal, is a great time to take whey.


Consume whey after any period of time that your body has been deprived or depleted of food/protein. By drinking whey (without anything else), you will kick start your metabolism again, and put a stop to any catabolism (when your body starts breaking itself down for protein as a source of energy) your body is undergoing.


This site is intended for information purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm, ill effects or otherwise, that may occur to any person(s) that choose to use any sports or nutritional products. You use the information contained on this site at your own risk. Also, you may want to consult a physician before using any nutritional products and/or sports supplements.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

About This Blog

Hello everyone!

I decided to write this blog to help others in their quest for fitness.
My hope is that this site to evolves into a single and concise source for sports nutrition and supplement information. I've spent years researching all of the supplements out there, hoping to find the right supplements to give me that extra edge. What I found, was that the right supplements, with great nutrition and the right training program can boost your performance, results and overall health to a great level.

There's no known natural and legal supplements that will cause anything super human to occur. However, if you train and supplement properly, you can achieve outstanding results. You just have to stick with it.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or feedback you may have. Creative criticism is always welcome!

Contact me at:


Hopefully, this site will provide you with concise and quality information on many sports supplements. My intention is to post mostly about quality supplements that will help you with workout recovery, strength, endurance, muscle gains, and much more. Sports supplements are here to stay, but it's also important to remember that they are exactly that... A supplement. While there are meal replacements, they should not be used to replace every meal. Instead, meal replacements are for getting in that extra meal when there's not enough time to eat a full meal. Thank you for reading my sports supplement reviews.

Please feel free to read through my archive. Only the latest supplement review shows on the main page. The rest of the sports supplements can be found in the archives.