Wednesday, February 11, 2009
This site is intended for information purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm, ill effects or otherwise, that may occur to any person(s) that choose to use any sports or nutritional products. You use the information contained on this site at your own risk. Also, you may want to consult a physician before using any nutritional products and/or sports supplements.
Hopefully, this site will provide you with concise and quality information on many sports supplements. My intention is to post mostly about quality supplements that will help you with workout recovery, strength, endurance, muscle gains, and much more. Sports supplements are here to stay, but it's also important to remember that they are exactly that... A supplement. While there are meal replacements, they should not be used to replace every meal. Instead, meal replacements are for getting in that extra meal when there's not enough time to eat a full meal. Thank you for reading my sports supplement reviews.
Please feel free to read through my archive. Only the latest supplement review shows on the main page. The rest of the sports supplements can be found in the archives.
Please feel free to read through my archive. Only the latest supplement review shows on the main page. The rest of the sports supplements can be found in the archives.